
I am Head of Artificial Intelligence at Rokos Capital Management. Previously, I was a Technical Lead and Senior Manager at Meta where I worked on Llama, Director of Machine Learning at Twilio, and was CEO & Founder of Vai Technologies, which was acquired by Twilio.

I am an active angel investor, and am particularly drawn to early-stage startups that have one or more of the following traits: AI-focused, API-focused, or B2B.

For many years, I was in academia working at the intersection of Deep Learning and High Energy Particle Physics. I held appointments at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), SLAC, and CERN. A somewhat complete list of publications can be found on my Google Scholar.

I earned a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Yale University and an M.S. in Computational Mathematics from Stanford University.

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We help you determine the organization infrastructure necessary to build your products.


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A subset of things I like to build, tinker with, and research

Deep Learning

I design novel deep architectures, particularly for NLP and sometime CV. I'm interested in end-to-end learning from characters. I also like thinking about cloud deployment strategies for DL. I like Keras, but sometimes I pretend I understand TF.

Recommender Systems

I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make recommender systems better. I've been experimenting with some end-to-end approaches, but I mostly spend time automating subsets of the collaborative + content driven pipeline


Machine learning is great in a vacuum, but it looses real-world oomf when your brilliant models are confined to an Jupyter Notebook. I use Docker + Vagrant for my deployments.

Predictive Analytics

More generically, we extract insights from data that you've collected. Even if you don't have a specific goal in mind, we can help you find insights you never knew were there.


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